Since our retirement several years ago, we have
been on the move almost continuously: sailing Live Now, long distance hiking, and taking extensive road trips (therapy hasn't helped). We established this Blog to share our small adventures with family and friends and, as our aging memories falter, remind ourselves of just how much fun we're having. We hope you enjoy it. Your comments and questions are greatly appreciated. Our reports here are mostly true except in those cases where there is no way for others to verify the actual facts.

Jupiter to the West End, the Bahamas

Dragging ourselves from the lap of luxury, we departed Admiral's Cove, Friday, February 15. Lake Worth, just a few miles south, offers an excellent anchorage and jumping off point for the Bahamas. By late afternoon, we were securely anchored near the Inlet and just north of Palm Beach. A midnight departure would put us off the coast of the Bahamas by midday Saturday. After an early dinner we slept. Weighing anchor around 12:00 am we were passing the RW buoy by 1:00 am and on our way! Moderate east winds forced us to motor but the seas were fairly calm and we moved comfortably along. Pat had taken precaution against seasickness by using the "patch", taking a couple of dramamine and putting acupressure wrist bands on then went sleep in the cockpit. She awoke to find us far offshore and only hours away from landfall. From Lake Worth, West End on Grand Bahama lies only about 60 nm away. With the headwind we made slow but steady progress. We steered a course south of the rhumb line and got a push from the gulf stream as we angled north toward our goal.

Midmorning brought the water tower near Old Bahama Marina into view. By 1:00 pm we entered the harbor. I understood from the guide that we could anchor just outside the entrance to the marina and learned only after getting the anchor set and reporting to customs & immigration that that was not allowed. So, duely chastised, I returned to the boat, filled out all the required forms and called in for a slip assignment.

Old Bahama Marina is a fairly new resort and the only facility at West End. Beautifully landscapted cottages, two restaurants, a bar, a pool, a gift shop and a wide range of water activities make for a relaxing entry into this our first foreign country to visit. We spent the rest of the day relaxing, walking around the marina, making plans for the next leg and accomodating our minds to this new experience.

Sunday, we took the dinghy out to explore and ended up beaching it on a sand cay near the marina entrance. Conch shells, crabs, white sand and tropical waters dazzled us as we ate a picnic lunch in the solitude of this wonderful place.

Tuesday we head to Double Breasted Cay via Sale Cay. Without internet on the boat (Verizon service is not available), we will be updating the blog only when we stop at a marina.


Bob and Denise said...

Congratulations Pat and John on reaching the Bahamas. We have been following along on your journey south. Hope Pat gets some relief from her seasickness . We will miss passing by Live Now at Nortons Marina this season.
Bob and Denise Gomes

Anonymous said...

I started working on the bottom yesterday. From 7 degrees, it warmed up nicely to the mid-twenties!
It's great that you're enjoying the Bahamas, instead of the usual boat winter prep here.
Keep the Blog going - great reading while I watch it snow.
Greg (Hopskotch)

Live Now said...

Great to hear from our Norton's Marina neighbors. We really do miss Rhode Island and our friends there, but not the weather.

The weather continues to be great here (although we did get rain a couple of days ago). We've been at Marsh Harbour for about a week, doing some maintenance and re-supplying. Pat hasn't had any seasickness since we got to the Bahamas, thank goodness!

I really appreciate your comments. It's nice to know (and a little scary) that someone is actually reading this stuff. I had a friend who was a late night disc jockey. He said he often got the feeling that there was no one out there and that he was talking to himself. That's the way I feel somethings about the blog. Thanks for again for your comments. Hope things are going well for all. Take care and keep warm!