Since our retirement several years ago, we have
been on the move almost continuously: sailing Live Now, long distance hiking, and taking extensive road trips (therapy hasn't helped). We established this Blog to share our small adventures with family and friends and, as our aging memories falter, remind ourselves of just how much fun we're having. We hope you enjoy it. Your comments and questions are greatly appreciated. Our reports here are mostly true except in those cases where there is no way for others to verify the actual facts.

Poem By Pat

Southern Town

Old black men on bicycles
Ancient carriage houses, waiting to be important again.
Grits, pickled sausage, cream potatoes, stewed tomatoes and okra
Wooden floors that undulate like waves of the nearby ocean
Moss, like icicles, draped on trees.
Strangers who stop and say hello.


Anonymous said...

Hello John and Pat.

Bob and I from Liberty at Nortons Marina in RI were wondering what you both have been doing. We have been following your blog since you left and have enjoyed all of it. We can't wait for some more of it.

Bob and Denise

Live Now said...

Bob & Denise,

Great to hear from you! We are still in Brunswick, GA, getting the boat ready. We should be heading in about a week. We will be updating the blog soon.

Say hello to our friends at Norton's!
