Since our retirement several years ago, we have
been on the move almost continuously: sailing Live Now, long distance hiking, and taking extensive road trips (therapy hasn't helped). We established this Blog to share our small adventures with family and friends and, as our aging memories falter, remind ourselves of just how much fun we're having. We hope you enjoy it. Your comments and questions are greatly appreciated. Our reports here are mostly true except in those cases where there is no way for others to verify the actual facts.

Best Campsite EVER!

Now, this is the greatest thing ever~~at the entrance to Joshua Tree, I buy a  lifetime senior pass to all national parks and all federal recreation sites for $10!!  The best bargain in America.  Plus, it includes everyone in your car.  Sometimes, it is wonderful being over 62!

All I can say is DRAMATIC!  Wow, words cannot express the grandeur of this campsite, nestled among these crazy big boulders.  We see people rock climbing straight up the side of this rock mountain, Joshua trees as far as the eye can see and just tons of gigantic boulders just dropped on the landscape.  John spent the morning (it is Wednesday, May 12) planning the next aspect of his hike, while I took pictures.  We then went into the town of Yucca Valley to do laundry and go to the outdoor store.

On the way back to the campsite, we stop in Twentynine Palms for a Mexican dinner and took the drive to Key overlook and looked down upon the towns of Palm Springs and Indio, the San Jacinto Mountains, San Gorgonio Mountain (at 11,502 feet--in snow) and the San Andreas fault.   I am fascinated by the fault.  You can actually, here, see the crack in the earth and the buckling on both sides, like little mountains forming.  Amazing.

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