Since our retirement several years ago, we have
been on the move almost continuously: sailing Live Now, long distance hiking, and taking extensive road trips (therapy hasn't helped). We established this Blog to share our small adventures with family and friends and, as our aging memories falter, remind ourselves of just how much fun we're having. We hope you enjoy it. Your comments and questions are greatly appreciated. Our reports here are mostly true except in those cases where there is no way for others to verify the actual facts.

Putting the Brakes On

On Friday, June 25, we started out to go to the northern part of wine country.  When we got to the town of Santa Rosa, the brakes made such a horrible noise that we decided we'd better get them checked out.  We found a Firestone place that would do it while we waited and went to a nearby mall for lunch.  Due to (I would say) our lack of diligence, we ended up getting whole new brake assemblies in front and 4 new tires.  Well, she's good to go, now.  We had around 250,000 miles on the car and were joking with the guy there that we were going for 300,000.  He said, heck, the way this car is going, you can go for 350,000!  I'll let you know when she bites the dust.  But, on to 350!

We ended up back in Sonoma for dinner at Mary's pizza, walked around this beautiful town once again, and back to camp.

On Saturday, June 26, we tried to find the Sonoma County Fair that we saw advertised, but it must have been pretty small.  We missed it.  Ended up instead going to Healdsburg, the northernmost town of wine country.  Had lunch and walked around town.  Being Saturday, it was quite crowded with some well-heeled looking people.  The town itself was very upscale, and two old campers like us didn't quite seem to fit in, but it was pretty and no one seemed to care that we didn't fit in.

We went to Bella Vineyards where you sit outside the cave in which they house the wines and enjoy the live music in the yard.  On the scenic ride back to our campsite we just missed the last tour of Korbel vineyards~~the champagne people.  Oh, well, it's been a great day anyway.

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