Since our retirement several years ago, we have
been on the move almost continuously: sailing Live Now, long distance hiking, and taking extensive road trips (therapy hasn't helped). We established this Blog to share our small adventures with family and friends and, as our aging memories falter, remind ourselves of just how much fun we're having. We hope you enjoy it. Your comments and questions are greatly appreciated. Our reports here are mostly true except in those cases where there is no way for others to verify the actual facts.

Wine Country - Napa Valley

On Sunday, June 20, we headed south from the Mt. Shasta area toward Lake Shasta.  Had a hard time finding access to the lake, actually, which seems so strange, and ended up at a little marina restaurant with a 90 minute waiting list.  We walked around the marina, looked at the lake, and had lunch.  It was Father's Day and this was the only place around.  The meal was mediocre and the service worse.  I think I owe John a 're-do' on the Father's Day lunch!

Afterwords, we drove south on I-5, west on Rt. 20 and camped at Clearlake State Park.

There was really no other way to see all we wanted to see other than to zigzag back and forth through the state, so that's what we did.  We saw all the mountains, parks, etc. in the eastern part of California, then back down towards the middle of the state to wine country.  I must admit, I hadn't really thought of going to the wine country, as I don't like the stuff, but I surely would have been remiss not to have seen it.  Since John had 'retired' from the trail, and he does like the stuff, we decided wine country was not to be missed.  What an understatement that turned out to be! 

On Monday morning, June 21, we left the campsite at Clearlake and drove leisurely through Napa Valley.  Green!  After weeks in the desert, what a change.  We were on Rt. 29, going south, and went to Calistoga.  Found another used bookstore!  Had lunch in an old converted train station.  Walked around town and got some groceries.  We went on to St. Helena and took a tour of the Beringer Vineyards.  With the tour, you got to taste about 5-6 wines.  So, I got mine, tried a sip of each, didn't like any of it, and gave it to John.  Yes, indeed, if you go to a wine tasting, you want to go with me!  We then went to town and I got what I like, a gelato.  We stayed the night at Napa Valley State Park, and topped off the wine and gelato with grilled chicken, mashed potatoes and baked beans.  We began sorting through our books.  They are taking up too much space in the van. 

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